Hearing Loop System

People with hearing loss often struggle to catch the words and softer sounds during the performance.  With the echo in the theater, even people with normal hearing have trouble understanding the spoken word.  A Hearing Loop System will give people a distinct advantage in these circumstances—it works with the individual’s t-coil equipped hearing aids.  The sound is broadcast through a wire installed throughout the theater.  A small coil of wire in the hearing aid, called a t-coil, is the receiver.  While the listener is located within the field created by the loop wire, the  t-coil in the hearing aid will receive the signal from the loop.  Individuals with any type  and degree of hearing loss and any t-coil-equipped hearing aid can take advantage of this Loop technology.  Background noise and echo are no longer a problem.

For more information about Hearing Loops or to set up a -no-cost site survey and demonstration, call 501-778-3868.

http://Arkansas Loops


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