Untreated Hearing Loss
Untreated Hearing Loss Can Lead To More Difficulties
Can you hear the sound of:
A bird singing in the garden?
Your sister’s voice on the phone?
A car’s turn signal?
Friends’ conversation at a favorite restaurant?
Your neighbors’ knock on your front door?
A child’s giggle?
The theme song to your favorite TV show?
In 90 percent of all cases, hearing loss occurs because the delicate hair cells in the inner ear are irreparably broken or do not otherwise function properly. This means that the brain does not receive all the sounds and frequencies it needs to provide a complete soundtrack. It is like removing all the high keys on a piano and asking somebody to play a well-known melody. Even with only six or seven keys missing, the melody might be difficult to recognize and simply won’t sound right.
Untreated Hearing Loss Has Many Consequences
Living with untreated hearing loss means difficulties in conversations with others, social gatherings, and perhaps lost performance at work.
You may suffer side effects from hearing loss as:
Sadness and depression
Worry and anxiety
Less social activity
Emotional turmoil and insecurity
By not seeking help for your hearing loss, you are missing out
on enjoying all that life has to offer.
Houston, Texas
April 25, 2013
If you are someone in your family suspects they have hearing loss, call
Saline Audiology and schedule a hearing evaluation.
501-778-3868 or 501-922-0053
You can also visit our website at www.salineaudiology.com